3°A (May 2022)
The Must See / Must Avoid Gallery
(Click on the title of the film to see the trailer !)
The story is entertaining, the acting is convincing, the action scene are gripping and beautifully choreographed
The special effect are totally mind-blowing and the music reflect perfectly the story.
This movie is totally worst your money but even if it’s worst your money you should go and watch!
Marie, Enes, Pamela
The story is entertain and the plot is unpredictable. The characters are very beautiful.
The action scenes are totally mind-blowing. The special effect seem quite real.
The music is really great. It’s a movie unbelievable, go and watch !
Lola, Charlotte, Ambre, Leelou
I am a legend is a zombie movie. Will Smith is the principal character of this movie.
This movie talk about a survivor of an zombie apocalypse.
The movie is excellent because the casting is good.
The specials effects are mind-blowing and the action scene are bloodthirsty.
The musics are not bad, but the musical score is not haunting.
For us, the movie is unforgettable and the movie can became a legend too.
Nathan, Clovis, Tiago
The story is really entertaining and great. The actors are very convincing.
The actions scenes are totally mind-blowing. The music reflects the story perfectly.
The special effects are unbelivable and gripping. The characters are believable.
Steyann, Margaux, Faustine
The film is a fairy tale.
In our opinion, the actors of Alice is beautifully played.
We think that the actions scene are quite convincing and believable.
We can say the special effects are very mind-blowing and stunning.
We think the music is overall pretty great. It’s totally worth seeing !
Clémentine, Lilly, Zoé
We think it’s a amazing movie. Characters are very good. The story is interesting and really stunning.
The action scenes and special effects are perfectly. But the music is quite cheap.
We think this movie is very good so we think you should look this movie because it’s pretty convincing and very unforgettable
Zekerya, Enzo, Sofian
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